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Love is simple and has no language barrier.
Love is not measured by the things we have done for a person or presently doing for a person.
Love is not a weighing scale. You simply can’t weigh your love.
Love is not to judge that person for love is not judging
Love cannot be compared, so don’t compare.
Love your other half as if there is no tomorrow.
Love that comes from the heart becomes a legend.
Love conquers all fears and obstacles.
And Finally Something to Ponder about…

Love is just love.

Last but not least…
I love you, I am sorry…the most overused and abused words that has been used by everyone out there!!!!!
Don’t say it and use it if you don’t mean it. 😛


Can someone love just one person only? I mean not cheating on their partner, giving their partner 100% of themselves, making their partner the centre of their life, and evolving their world around their partner?


Some of my friends said this type of love can be tiring and annihilating. What’s your thought?

My Say

If this kind of love is reciprocal, then both parties do not the third party to destroy the special bond that is created by the Will of God for them. God himself is Love. We love God unconditionally. Full stop. No questions asked.
To love someone is to understand that’s person need.
To love someone is to laugh and smile with the person from the deepest part of your heart.
To love someone is to totally trust the person.
To love someone is to totally have faith in that person.
To love someone is not to betray that person.
To love someone is to go through thick and thin with the person, regardless of sickness, poorness, illness, depression, etc. etc. and not giving up when things get hard or unbearable.